This attract money video is made with energetic programming to help you remove any negative belief system you have for wealth etc and help attract massive amounts of prosperity, wealth and abundance in all areas of your life. Observe as your life starts changing for the better and more positive things start becoming a natural part of your life. What would it be like to attract wealth, prosperity and abundance? Well imagine finding success in everything you do and attracting everything you want into your life.
The problem is the majority of us are ingrained with negative/limiting beliefs about wealth such as "I'm broke," "wealthy people are arrogant," "Money is evil," "I will never make a lot of money," "I never have enough," "I don't deserve wealth," and so on....
The audio also programs your mind with positive beliefs about wealth and your energy field to attract all forms of wealth. Wealth is the abundance of money and valuable possessions. You may find that you end up getting the house you want for a sum of the original price or a raise at your job.
Being that the audio attracts wealth, you will also find much more success in your business or career. Expect more sales and exponential growth. The more prosperity you attract, the more success you have in your life. If you listen to this audio one or twice every day, you can expect to be abundant. To be abundant is to have everything you want and be satisfied with what you have. And fulfillment results in a much happier lifestyle.

This video is programmed to create a deep and effective energetic field around you that attracts positive abundance into you life, meaning it will attract things like happiness, joy, luck, beneficial wealth, appreciation, caring and general abundance to help create a way in which you should not need to feel you are without anything in life.
What this does is draw the concepts of abundance and luck to you and also place you into the flow of luck. "the flow of luck’ is a state of being where everything seems to just flow into place, this happen at the right time in an almost coincidental way. This will also alter probability to help get the best outcomes of situations for you.
The problem a lot of people may have is that; sometimes there is a differed ‘bad luck’ or bad situations which happens. This occurs, because mentally you may believe you do not deserve these blessings and mentally create situation to ‘right’ it.
This will also work on removing that and depatterning it from you. The effect should stay with you for a bit after listening, it depends on the normal energetic weathering you experience. Use as much as you need, but once or twice is usually fine for a day.
What if you could walk around and attract good luck wherever you go? If you could have everything go your way and get what you want by coincidence? There are some people who exhibit this type of luck and go through life without stress or effort because things always work out for them.
Having good luck is like having the universe work in your favor to attract the things you desire into your life. Your will is aligned with the universe and very often, the universe most of the work in getting you what you want. The combination of programming and frequencies embedded in this audio will work toward helping you draw good luck and good fortune into all areas of your life.
The more you listen to this audio, the more you become one of those people who naturally attract good luck all throughout their life. You need extra money? Luck could bring you to a finding an antique item that sells for $2,000. You need to get to the meeting in 20 minutes but woke up too late? Luck could bring you no traffic and green lights on the way to work. You need some relaxation? Luck could bring you a free vacation to the Caribbean. Need some extra luck at the casino? Luck could bring you thousands of dollars in one night.
What this does is actively place energetic simulation that create an effect of the overexpression of Klotho and NR2B while also saturating your entire brain with Nerve growth factor and CoQ10. And finally a mild electrical stimulation of the entire brain. ( 1.5 mA ) NR2B will excite neurons, klotho and coq10 will help protect them, the nerve growth factor and electrical stimulation will help them form new connections.
So what this does in the simplest of explanations is create a very charged brain with a lot of growth potential. (while minimizing any neural problems) Its Good to use this before a brain related task, like studying, active learning, thinking/imagination.
That's where active growth will happen. Use twice a day at most, do not use overnight. Do not overuse.
Did you know that If you were to free yourself of all your subconscious limiting beliefs/negativity/blocks in your life, you would be able to do ANYTHING you possibly wanted? If you believe that you can accomplish anything and that anything is possible, you open your self to limitless possibilities and allow life to bring you the things you want. But as we grow older, we start believing that we can't do certain things or that some things aren't possible. Our subconscious minds reinforce these beliefs and ensure that we can't do what we would like to do or that some things are just not possible for us.
Examples of subconscious limiting beliefs/blocks: I'm not good looking enough to go up to women, I can't travel the world, I can't dance, I can't swim, I'm too weird to talk to people, I can never pass math class, ext....
Now imagine a life where those I can'ts don't exist and you believe that you can accomplish anything. A whole new world will open up for you. You will feel free! The Morphic and energetic programming will work together to help dissolve a large number of subconscious blocks/limiting beliefs.
This will have profound effects on your mental state and your daily interactions with the world. You will feel more free than you ever have in your life. *This audio also removes limiting beliefs such as "sapienmed audios might not be working" "this can't work. its only sound" "its not working, I don't feel anything" and other limiting beliefs that actually block out the effectiveness of the fields. By listening to this, you ensure that other audio fields work powerfully for you.