The energetic transmission of this audio field works on making you see and experience the deeper connection of everything. This also allows you to learn and grow more from other people, via observation rather than the hard way of experiencing it directly. The truth is that you are already interconnected with everything but your ego is what makes you identitfy with being seperate or wanting to be apart. Interconnection with everything is realising that everybody is part of something bigger and that the small things you do can affect everyone around you.
That even one act of kindness or love can reverb in celebration throughout entire universes. Everyone that you know, that you meet are part of a greater whole and in essence a part of you. Going through life conscious of this realization will put things in greater perspective. You would become less selfish and more in tune with the world. You would learn and grow through other people's experiences and and enrich your life in the process. Life would become much more profound as you would more often see the deeper meaning and connection in all things. Realizing that you are connected to everything is one of the most vital realizations on the path to enlightenment.
Our new self realization series is a means by which people can begin to understand things in a much larger perspective and lay a very solid groundwork or base state of being able to accept any larger form of complete enlightenment. Either way it helps you to unfold as a better person, more complete spiritual person and universal being. You can see this series as as different paint removers that peel off bits of the heavy paint of the false self created by ego. And in this case, this audio field peels of the illusion that you are seperate from the universe when the truth is that you connected to all of it.
Repeated use of this audio will awaken the realization of the connection of all things. The fact you are a piece of the grander puzzle. These are one of the grand realizations reached through enlightenment. Part 1 of our self realization series.
What if you could be completely fulfilled in being who you are and love everything about yourself? This is what this audio seeks to do. This audio frequency is embedded with energy that will induce in you a state of self acceptance and unconditional love for yourself. In addition, the energy works on dissolving your insecurities over time.
Over time, you will find yourself feeling more comfortable and liberated in your own skin. You will have the level of confidence you have always dreamed of having without changing anything about yourself.
It may take weeks but more likely months to reach that level of wholesomeness but a few months of consistently listening to this audio every day will change the rest of your life for the better. If you experience emptiness, this audio seeks to fill that and make you feel complete.
This field recreates the excitement of experiencing things as if it is the first time. It makes you feel the curious wonder toward nature and the world around you. Essentially it would make life seem magical as it once was as a child. As a child, everything was new so it had a special spark to it. We awoke every day with a genuine interest in doing and learning things. As we grow older, we repeatedly see and experience the same thing so we generally don’t find as much excitement in many things anymore.. When we get older, we tend to stray away from trying new things or genres because the excitement and sense of exploration we had as kids fades away. That’s why most of us as adults tend to stray away from newer music and stick to the songs we listened to as a kid. But these songs… we’ve heard them thousands of times. What if it could feel like you are listening to it for the first time?
What if you could feel like you are going to the park for the first time and experience the sense and wonder you would feel in the park the first time? Life would become more exciting again. Experiencing life anew will awaken the spark that gave you the infinite energy to explore and tr new things as a kid. You’ll notice things you didn’t notice when you were a kid when you heard those songs you liked or went to the park. But best of all, you’ll enjoy these things and kill the dullness in your life. There are many ways to use this audio… Want to be creative? Listen to this audio before diving into being creative.
Creativity tends to become a chore to those who have been working at it for years. And creative blocks are a pain in the *. So, listening to this audio can open your mind to new ways of looking at something and awaken your drive In creating again. Want to be productive? Listen to this audio before doing work and you’ll find yourself enjoying work more. Want to enhance entertainment beit a book, video game or even movie? Listen to this audio before doing so and you’ll find that you enjoy it much more! The possibilities are truly endless. Children are limited to what they can do because they are so young and innocent yet they possess the energy to do anything.
We grow older and gain enough knowledge and freedom to do the things we want but don’t because we lose the energy. This field recreates the energy we so that you can enjoy life with the energy of a child but the mind/freedom of an adult. Note: Works even better when listened to 2-3 times in a row. 1 time may suffice though.
The energetic programming in the true self of others audio allows you to see the divinity in everyone else and yourself. Everyone derives from the source and is a fragment of the all. Through this field, you will begin to perceive the divine spark in every person. (divinity/divine spark to us is 'source of all creation.' Our audios are not tied to any religions) Just as we all came from the source of creation, we are the source of creation. Within each and every one of us lies the source of all that it is and having this realization become a part of our lives is one of the essential parts to becoming enlightened. When you are able to see the divinity in everything, you begin to better understand everything.
You become much more compassionate of others but even more so, begin to love other people unconditionally. No longer would you see them as simply strangers or typical people. You will be able to see that every single person is of a divine nature. A grand part in the path to enlightenment is the erosion of the ego. As you let go of more of your ego, you begin to lose your sense of feeling separated from everything (which makes us so self centered in the first place) and start to feel connected to everything. As you saw in part one, you begin to experience and perceive the interconnection of all things. And in this part, you begin to perceive the divine spark in everything.
You perceive how everyone is equal… people who are deemed as “evil,” “saints,” “celebrities,” “homeless” all derive from this same source and when you can perceive this, your perspective of them changes. You no longer see yourselves as separate. No longer see them as higher or lesser than you. You see the universe in them. You see yourself. And in this way, you will better connect with other people and in turn better connect with the world.
The energetic programming in this audio takes you away from the normal flow of time and introduces the concept of non- linear time. As humans, we experience time like riding on a train. It is a predetermined line and we can only go forward. Non- linear time would be like us looking at a meter stick from above, where every number is a point in time. We can see every point and go to any point, forward or backwards, at any instant. All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. Experiencing this truth changes the way we experience time.
Time would now feel like one moment, not separate moments divided by different times during the day, days, weeks, months or years. True time moves forward not with the tick of a clock but with the making of a choice. Until a choice is taken, the future is not determined. A great explanation of non linear time comes from Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five: "The most important thing I learned on Tralfamadore was that when a person dies he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral.
All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. The Tralfamadorians can look at all the different moments just that way we can look at a stretch of the Rocky Mountains, for instance. They can see how permanent all the moments are, and they can look at any moment that interests them. It is just an illusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever. When a Tralfamadorian sees a corpse, all he thinks is that the dead person is in a bad condition in that particular moment, but that the same person is just fine in plenty of other moments."
Now this field will likely not allow you to experience the past or future like Tralfamadore’s do but you will experience a more milder version of this concept. You’ll be able to feel what it feels like to experience non-linear time. There really aren’t many words to describe these abstract concepts. It is something you must experience for yourself. Timelessness is another essential realization on the path of enlightenment. Our Self Realization videos can all be listened to daily in a different order or focused on individually in any way you would prefer. They are meant to prepare you for enlightenment.
The energetic programming embedded in this audio will increase your awareness of yourself and the present moment. It will also increase your awareness of your thoughts helping you stray away from negative thought patterns and to make better choices in life. Mindfulness is key to gaining more control and balance with your mind.
Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It is about being mindfulof everything, especially your thoughts and words, taking time to pay attention to what you are going to say and how can it impact the other person. Is it an ego based response?
This level of awareness will help you be mindful of it all. Remember we do not live in caves to find enlightenment anymore, so our every day interactions must help develop and grow our spirituality. Daily interactions can either be helpful on our path or just carry us down darker paths. Mindfulness is an essential step to enlightenment. The greater awareness you have of yourself, the more conscious and at peace you will be.
Our Self Realization videos can all be listened to daily in a different order or focused on individually in any way you would prefer. They are meant to prepare you for enlightenment.
What if you could walk around and attract good luck wherever you go? If you could have everything go your way and get what you want by coincidence? There are some people who exhibit this type of luck and go through life without stress or effort because things always work out for them. Having good luck is like having the universe work in your favor to attract the things you desire into your life. Your will is aligned with the universe and very often, the universe most of the work in getting you what you want.
The combination of programming and frequencies embedded in this audio will work toward helping you draw good luck and good fortune into all areas of your life. The more you listen to this audio, the more you become one of those people who naturally attract good luck all throughout their life. You need extra money?
Luck could bring you to a finding an antique item that sells for $2,000. You need to get to the meeting in 20 minutes but woke up too late? Luck could bring you no traffic and green lights on the way to work. You need some relaxation? Luck could bring you a free vacation to the Caribbean. Need some extra luck at the casino? Luck could bring you thousands of dollars in one night.
These frequencies are put together to help disrupt the energy patterns of entities harassing you. It can help remove attachments of stray spirits, negative entities, bad spirits and even demonic influences. Listen as often as you like until you feel relief
Did you know that If you were to free yourself of all your subconscious limiting beliefs/negativity/blocks in your life, you would be able to do ANYTHING you possibly wanted? If you believe that you can accomplish anything and that anything is possible, you open your self to limitless possibilities and allow life to bring you the things you want. But as we grow older, we start believing that we can't do certain things or that some things aren't possible. Our subconscious minds reinforce these beliefs and ensure that we can't do what we would like to do or that some things are just not possible for us.
Examples of subconscious limiting beliefs/blocks: I'm not good looking enough to go up to women, I can't travel the world, I can't dance, I can't swim, I'm too weird to talk to people, I can never pass math class, ext.... Now imagine a life where those I can'ts don't exist and you believe that you can accomplish anything. A whole new world will open up for you. You will feel free! The Morphic and energetic programming will work together to help dissolve a large number of subconscious blocks/limiting beliefs.
This will have profound effects on your mental state and your daily interactions with the world. You will feel more free than you ever have in your life. *This audio also removes limiting beliefs such as "sapienmed audios might not be working" "this can't work. its only sound" "its not working, I don't feel anything" and other limiting beliefs that actually block out the effectiveness of the fields. By listening to this, you ensure that other audio fields work powerfully for you.
The energies embedded in this brain enhancement music will make you become smarter and experience a huge increase in your memory output. This isn't just a short boost. The more you listen, the sharper your focus and clearer your thinking will be. The programming in this one works in stimulating the hippocampus, areas for reasoning/abstract thinking and also the Broca area and Wernicke's area. Along with the stimulation, (electrical) nerve growth factor is used in those areas, the total effect would be memory enhancement, iq/intelligence increase and also language learning/understanding enhancement. The more you listen, the more permanent the effects are on the brain. Use as often as you like.
Powerful words from a powerful teacher, we are honored to help share this wisdom. While this may be tailored specifically for actors and you really should check out the deeply informative weaving of acting and spirituality and all round deeper insights into life. Consider these words and apply them generally in your life. with a larger perspective and different ways of viewing situations and life, we can achieve growth and development. No doubt, wisdom to help in our personal journey of becoming better at what we do, and better all round people.