DEMYSTIFYING FALSE FLAGS Solar Flash vs Solar Shift ~ New Earth vs New Era Aug 30 2022
That's it. I eventually gathered all the elements I needed to write this very important article. It is time that once and for all, we break our enemy's wicked plans spread out to the gullible and confused public by programmed disinformers. The psychological operation agenda of false flag alien invasion/salvation justified by a made-up global catastrophic event was planned for a very long time, as you will read below throughout the communications I received from Thor Han Eredyon and Oona from the Altean people (part of the Intergalactic Seeder races). This false flag narrative was patiently, surgically, dripped into our collective unconscious with time, under the cover of true information. I have mentioned this so many times already, through several of my publications, but it would seems that we are approaching the finish line so I will get to the point.
Firstly, to get this out of the way, regarding to what my contacts in the Galactic Federation of Worlds are affirming, I can assure you with confidence that the so called “Jerusalem ship”, promoted within the “New Age” spiritual community, is an invention. This is like the Ashtar psy-op. It does not only draw your focus away from the reality and from the information coming from genuine sources, but more worryingly, it entices people to project their consciousness towards a deceiving holographic trap. This Artificial Intelligence construct is a soul trap elaborated by Gray aliens, in a way that once you successfully bi-locate to this fake ship, you are hooked. Behind the holographic construct, its real shape is a cube. Even though the Grays have been physically expelled from this star system by the Alliance, this holographic soul trap still runs on its own as long as there are people to maintain it with their own consciousness. It is a similar technology as the black Goo: you feed it. When you stop feeding it, it falls apart. The only way to unplug is to acknowledge that you have been mislead and abused, forgive yourself with love, and cut the energetic rope to it. No resentment, no anger, but in peace. Also, you need to consider the fact that extraterrestrial beings do not name their ships with Earth-made names. The promotion of the alleged “Jerusalem ship” has been recently enforced by emissaries of the Deep State to nourish the narrative of a false flag “evacuation” event after a false-flag global catastrophic event. They are instilling fear into your minds and brainwashing you about an evacuation onboard this Jerusalem false trap-ship. They even advance the lie that the Arks from the Intergalactic Confederation will come and rescue everyone, taking this opportunity to mislead the public about the real whereabouts of the Seeders & the Intergalactic Confederation. The counter-intelligence against Enki, who arrived recently with the Seeders and brought back a great gift to mankind, is also orchestrated by the same dark organizations. Discrediting what they cannot suppress. They are very good at that.
Regarding the false "Earth-evacuation", think about that: once you leave Earth from your own free-will because you are completely terrified, this... is where the culling is. Do you really know who is behind this and where these ships will take you? No, you don't.
The theory of planet Earth splitting in two is another fear porn psy-op. It makes no sense. We are evolving as ONE planet into a higher density, and it concerns every living creature on it. All together. There is no "3D Earth left behind". It is the same vessel and it is not splitting. This, again, is a well-wrapped lure. But let us get into the timeline of communications I had with my contacts. Here are excerpts of conversations I had with Thor Han and Oona, and which I relate in my book “The Seeders”:
December 14 2021
This conversation occurred as Thor Han was back from Jupiter
TH: An aspect of my presence on Jupiter was to discuss this phenomenon which very recently occurred in the vicinity of your star system: a collapse of the 3rd Density continuum. This occurs in pockets in the fabric of space and your star system is entering one of these on its trajectory through this arm of the galaxy. More 3rd Density collapsing will occur, as a bridge to the 5th Density. The enemy and the dark ones know about it, they knew it was happening and it is one of the reasons why they knew for a long time that they had lost this star system. I am going to talk about this natural phenomenon occurring in the vicinity of your star system. This is not an isolated phenomenon; as your star system moves throughout the grid of this galaxy, composed of fluctuating waves of frequencies, you encounter pockets of higher vibrational density of matter. What does it mean: the physical laws binding the atoms together oscillate at a faster rate. It is not about time, do you understand, the time rate doesn't change, only the perception you have of it does, because your rate changes. It is not about time but only about the physicality of the fabric of space that shifts. As the universal laws of physics function, it happens that this phenomenon occurs progressively, unless the pocket of higher density is as big or bigger than the said star system. The limit of a density zone is not sharp but fuzzy. You enter into it progressively, by encountering “bubbles” until you completely merge into the new area.
E: What happens when Earth will cross through one of these higher density zones, or bubbles?
TH: Nothing near a dramatic event, such as many Terrans imagine with fear could happen. It manifests as a change in consciousness as the perceptions, mental and physical, shift into a higher range. Physical symptoms can occur, those who have prepared their mind openly follow the wave but for those who are not ready and resist it, it translates for them by physical and mental suffering. The vision changes, the perceptions change, especially the perception of linear time, that is perceived as faster. But you know, this process, entering through this new area in Nataru, is inevitable. So Terrans need to truly let go of any resistance, such as the greatest, that is fear.
February 08 2022
Forty Starlink satellites, launched by Elon Musk's Space-X company, were shot down from the ground. These satellites were part of the project of a new quantum internet system. Here are below the explanations from Thor Han, revealing that the satellites were shot down by a Deep State faction still active in Europe. The highlighted information will make sense further on:
E: Now what about these 40 satellites knocked out by a solar emission?
TH: I am allowed to tell you that the attack was shot from the ground, not from space. Some of the secret organizations on this planet have a military program and hybrid weapons.
E: what are hybrid weapons?
TH: back engineered technology from the enemy, including non-Terran parts. This wasn’t shot from the USA but from the European continent. There is a powerful dark cult that owns this type of equipment.
E: So all bad ETs have gone from Earth, but still, there are some negative human organizations up and running?
TH: Yes, we are doing our best to assist you in taking them down.
I highly recommend to read the excellent article from Dr. Michael Salla at this link below, where he analyses the facts in great details, with substantiating documentation:
July 05 2022
I was taken on July 5 2022 onboard Thor Han's command ship for a short trip at the boundaries of this star system. He wanted to “show me something”, as he always likes to say. We quickly reached out to the plasma belt, which is a spherical wall of hot interstellar plasma shielding our star system from outer space radiations, particles and other threats. Thor Han asked me to pay a profound attention to what my body was going to experience as we pass through the shield. The plasma belt approached at great speed and hit us like a wall of golden light. While passing through, I felt no change in me but as we reached the other side, I brutally felt my whole physical body fizzy for a few seconds. Thor Han held on to me a frequency belt.
TH: Put that on.
As I did so, all sensations dropped back to normal.
E: Is there a frequency discrepancy between the inside and the outside of this star system? I've never experienced that before. Is that new?
TH: That's new. This star system is now immersed in the 5th density frequency zone.
E: What about the plasma shield, then?
TH: The plasma shield has by nature nothing to do with it; we happen to use it as a frequency transformer. This star system is already in the 5th density zone but because of what happens on Terra at the moment, we prefer making the transition smoother, otherwise it would be too chaotic down there. We regulate the rising in frequency ourselves. I just wanted to show you that. You can tell them.
Aug 8 2022
On August 8, 2022, I received this transmission from Oona in response to a question concerning the potential threat of a solar flash that would cause an extinction event on Earth:
OONA: Your star is undergoing a transformation but not as you conceive. It is adjusting to the area of Nataru your star system has recently entered. This is a galactic zone with a higher frequency. Because the frequency of your star system was lowered down by the previous invaders, and then unlocked by the excellent work of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, it needs adjustment to avoid the frequency shock. Your star however responds to the resonance of this higher frequency and it has started shifting. This solar shifting has no devastating effect but it will be felt in many different ways. The shift of a star system always originates first from the star, this is a natural law. Many times in the past, evacuation occurred. It was always due to wars. An evacuation plan was always in reserve, in case if necessary, but I can assure you that no extinction event will happen. We create stars, worlds, we seed life, we fractalize the very consciousness of Source and embed it into planetary matrices. If your star, Sol, would naturally become a sudden threat to all life on Terra, one of our proudest achievements, we would prevent it. We have the power to do this. We cannot stop wars to ignite and to extinguish empires, but we have the power to ignite and extinguish the stars.
You are safe.
Aug 28 2022
After I was told about rumors regarding an alleged alien attack on a Moon base, I asked questions to Thor Han. Again, I highlighted here his mention of the center of Europe because this will have some importance later:
TH: I know what happened, it was holographic technology broadcasted from Terra. From the center of European sector. They have a stealth satellite we still need to find. There wasn't any portal opening on Luna, because I will repeat this again to you, as also you could see it with your own eyes a year ago. The frequency keys of the portals have been locked by the Galactic Federation of Worlds. When the Intergalactic Confederation arrived, they shielded this system with an even higher frequency. The enemy is outside of this star system but at a great distance. They are trying to get back in but haven't succeeded yet. We make sure they won't. When you get the military to believe it is real, there is nothing that can stop them. Soldiers will perform their mission, their work, the call from their heart, for what they believe is a glorious and selfless action for the sake of their civilization. This has been a long psychological preparation. Fear is instilled to prepare the ground for control. You know, this technology, it is elaborate. The Alliance of the Six gave it to them in 1947. The plan started by then, precisely.
E: Alien invasion?
TH: Dramatic event followed by a rescue, that is in truth a culling of population. This will not happen.
E: How does the Solar flash fit into that?
TH: Two possibilities, one is a back -up. Both have been prepared.
E: Solar flash and alien invasion?
TH: Correct. This star is shifting in frequency, but this will not generate any harmful event for the planets of this system; in the contrary, it will have the opposite effect. A good one. A clearing one. No one will die. It has started and this has nothing to do with the fear control plan. People of Terra see now who is enacting for those who lead these stories.
Aug 30 2022
On August 30th, 2022, Oona contacted me in the night with a powerful vision. A city was attacked by giant saucer-shaped spaceships with long tentacles coming from them. The population was running in terror, it was the worst chaotic vision I could have ever imagined. Then, the light changed and the alien attackers became translucent and revealed themselves to be artificial holographic projections. The sky opened like a curtain and behind it, I was shown a group of individuals wearing white masks with a long beak. At this very moment, I heard Oona's voice in my head saying:
“Seek who is behind this”.
Then the whole vision shut down and the communication ended. It became obvious to me that these characters wore a same specific type of Venetian mask. H.G. Wells “War of the Worlds” 1938 radio broadcast prank may as well have been a drill, or a testing of some sort on the gullibility of the population. I looked on internet for images of “Venetian masks”. A photo appeared and it froze me to the bones. With it, was this article titled “Venetian Masquerade Masks: The Deception”, referenced here and from which I copied some excerpts:
According to James Johnson, cultural historian from the Boston University:
“In Venice, carnival of course meant masks, but masks did not always mean carnival”
Venetian carnival masks’ origins are not as clear as Commedia dell Arte masks. Worn by men and women alike, the Baúta was more than just a mask, moreover involving a whole outfit, thus giving “its wearer total anonymity” The white mask induced a sense of conformity among its wearers. A well-known figure, was the ‘Medico della Peste’, the Pest Doctor, whose attire involved a clearly distinguishable mask with a long and curious beak. Invented in the 16th century by the French doctor Charles de Lormes, the mask was marked by bird-like features such as a long beak and small, round holes for the eyes. The mask was to protect from “bad air” which caused illness. Filled with disinfecting odors and herbs, the air breathed was supposedly purified when running through the extended beak.

According to James Johnson, cultural historian from the Boston University: “In Venice, carnival of course meant masks, but masks did not always mean carnival” Venetian carnival masks’ origins are not as clear as Commedia dell Arte masks. Worn by men and women alike, the Baúta was more than just a mask, moreover involving a whole outfit, thus giving “its wearer total anonymity” The white mask induced a sense of conformity among its wearers. A well-known figure, was the ‘Medico della Peste’, the Pest Doctor, whose attire involved a clearly distinguishable mask with a long and curious beak. Invented in the 16th century by the French doctor Charles de Lormes, the mask was marked by bird-like features such as a long beak and small, round holes for the eyes. The mask was to protect from “bad air” which caused illness. Filled with disinfecting odors and herbs, the air breathed was supposedly purified when running through the extended beak.
"Venetian masquerade masks: The Doctor is ready to see you." This one above is named "il dottore". This is the exact same mask that the group of persons in my vision were wearing. The Doctor...allusion to a plandemic? Who Wore Venetian Masks? The Art of Deception At the point of the emergence of masks in the 18th century, they were mostly worn by an elite of aristocrats, who could anonymously participate in the Carnival festivities without revealing their identity. Its main purpose hereby was to render those in the masks anonymous. I thought straight away about the Bilderberg group in the north of Italy. -Thor Han, February 8 2022: “This wasn’t shot from the USA but from the European continent. There is a powerful dark cult that owns this type of equipment.” -Thor Han, Aug 28 2022: “it was holographic technology broadcasted from Terra. From the center of European sector.” -Oona, Aug 30 2022: shows me a group of elites wearing Venetian masks and says: “Seek who is behind this”. This article is a tool for anyone who wants to study further about these topics, and I am sure that experts in exopolitics will have pleasure and passion to dig into it. So I may end this timeline of contact information by formulating these three questions:
Regarding the information given by Thor Han Eredyon and Oona, a powerful group of elites involved in dark cults and owning extraterrestrial advanced technology, located in the north of Italy, is both able to shut down satellites from the ground and broadcast holographic illusions as far as the moon. Could this executive organization be the Bilderberg Group?
Considering the date “1947” given by Thor Han, when the false flag alien invasion agenda was officially put in place, what are the links and relationships between the Bilderberg Group, the CIA and the MJ12?
Considering Oona's vision given to me of specific Venetian masks, who not only point at a geographical region but represent as well a period of pestilence and pandemic, would the actual global sanitary crisis as we know it be part, at a broader level, of the false-flag alien agenda aided by the rumors of a solar-scare event, and a potential culling of the population of Earth ?
Of course, considering also my intel, these plans will crumble into pieces and we will all be fine. You know why? Because knowledge is power. Article written by Elena Danaan – Aug 30 2022