How to Recognize Your Twin Flame (10 Secret Signs) The differences between Soul Mate Vs the Twin Flame Connection is very interesting, there are similarities, the explosive and intensity separates them both entirely on a very different level. I’m not claiming to be an expert on this matter. Psychology, Body Language, Analysing, Counselling? Yes, so with that now mentioned, this is my take on it all.
A Soulmate Connection / Love And Life A soulmate is someone that you connect with on a deeper level on an unconditional love basis, where you are both lovingly entwined and have a powerful and dynamic bond that elevates you both through synchronicity, balance and mutual respect, that binds your mind and soul together which is awesome. A strong love and your hearts are on fire exclusively, directly and equally, but to a balance that fits like a puzzle, honestly and totally in-sync which instantly forms an ideal romantic relationship.
An amazingly beautiful feeling when you both reflect with energies on a frequency level that clicks into place, having the same dreams, values goals with clarity, accuracy and precision, and reflecting as a mirror back to each other in a familiar and trusting way. Twin Flames intensity levels are at a much higher vibrancy level and depth, there’s a sense of extreme knowing, trusting and synchronicity which is outstanding, and the strong physical tug of the heart strings and emotions, they both can’t simply explain how they can truly connect with each other, speaking the same words quite literally at the same time also.
An interaction with a True Flame can be extremely intense and overpoweringly enough, that many True Flames either back off altogether without forming a romantic relationship, or the complete opposite occurs when the True Flame delves into a romantic relationship, with the need to explore what is already safe.
Twin Flames gravitate towards each other with great impact and intensity, sensing each other’s aura and vibe, both being authentic and real together, they share the same dreams at times, and inwardly speak through each other’s hearts without words. Twin Flames have raw emotions and feelings about each other at the same time, reflecting their innermost strengths and weaknesses to each other as equals, but in a trustful and dynamic way which is very unique and quite special.
It is usually expressed that Twin Flames have a soul connection, they have different bodies and one soul, and usually have a 3–15 age gap, which means nothing when they exclusively are one, The union of Twin Flames coming together is: 11:11, it also has plenty of reasons, a soul connection with significance, and energy shift or transitional point or reunion.
A Soulmate is a strong connection and it doesn’t have to be a romantic partner that you bond with in that way, a soulmate can be your friend, sibling, mother etc.. But with Twin Flames the intensity levels are so heated and magnetic, that it is very clear that they are meant to be together. source,are%20meant%20to%20be%20together.
The Difference Between Soulmates and Twin Flames Soulmates: different souls that we encounter on our path that are cut from the same “energetic cloth” as us and are sent to help awaken and challenge us so we can become the best versions of ourselves.
Twin Flames: when our own “energetic cloth” grows so big with love that our energy splits into two. This other half becomes our Twin Flame. This often occurs over many, many lifetimes. The higher purpose of a Soulmate relationship is the growth and evolution of ones own consciousness, whereas the higher purpose for Twin Flames is creating a higher vibration and consciousness for the entire planet through ascending together. Essentially, Soulmate relationships help us to raise our own consciousness, whereas Twin Flame relationships have the effect of raising the consciousness for the entire planet. More often than not, you will work with both Soulmates and Twin Flames over the course of many lifetimes. Everyone has Soulmates but not everyone has a Twin Flame. This does not mean that a Twin Flame is just reserved for “special people”. We are all souls sent here for a unique, special experience and that experience may include a Twin Flame, or it may not.
Soulmates Soulmates can be relatives, friends or lovers. Often the purpose of the Soulmate relationship is to help you both grow and evolve into your fullest potential. Soulmates can come and go from our lives as necessary, but usually their entrance into our lives can feel fated, like we have known them before and that there is a strong bond or connection.
Soulmate relationships can also be romantic, however they don’t have to be. While we have many Soulmates, we can only have one Twin Flame and often the purpose of this relationship is not just romantic. Even though a romantic relationship can occur between Twin Flames, the purpose is much, much greater and is beyond this earthly plane.
Twin Flames When Twin Flames come together, it is often to achieve something on an energetic level to help expand the consciousness of the planet. Usually when Twin Flames unite, there is a strong desire for them both to create something together that is going to help raise the consciousness of the planet. It often takes many lifetimes for Twin Flames to achieve this, so it could be possible that you meet your Twin Flame, but are unable to complete your mission together just yet. Once you have both learnt to master the relationship, you will both ascend together and complete your work away from the physical dimension of earth.
Unlike Soulmate relationships, Twin Flame relationships often don’t focus too much on “challenges” and instead focus more on growth. While Soulmate relationships can be awakening and can help you to discover who you truly are, Twin Flame relationships are about coming together for the service of others. With Twin Flame relationships, the magnetic pull is always going to be there on a strong level. With Soulmates, the magnetic pull may change in strength depending on where you are both at in your evolution.
So, how can you tell whether you are in a Soulmate or Twin Flame relationship?
Soulmate Relationships:
Feel fated or “destined” in some way
The relationship does not need to be romantic, although it can be
There is a strong connection that may change or fluctuate in intensity
There are often challenges presented in order to change or shift things in your life
The relationship brings about a strong life lesson or a change in your life path
The relationship can uncover and release past pains, hurts and traumas so healing can occur
There can be a strong past life connection
The relationship may not last or may feel different once the lesson has been learnt
The relationship helps you to awaken to a higher level of consciousness or spirituality
Twin Flame Relationships:
Feel fated or “destined” in some way
The relationship does not need to be romantic, but there is often a connection felt on all levels
There is a strong connection that feels constant and stable
There are challenges but they are more about the “self” than the other
The relationship brings about a desire to team up together in order to create
The relationship almost forces you to respond with love as a way to survive together
There can be a strong past life connection together and if highly advanced, it could feel as if it is both your last lifetime on earth
Whether you are romantically involved or not, you will always feel a strong connection to this person, but you don’t need to be around each other to experience the connection
The relationship helps to prepare your for ascension into another dimension and helps to instil a higher consciousness for the planet
Often soulmate relationships are experienced on a mind, body and soul level, whereas Twin Flame relationships are experienced on a mind, body, soul and celestial/Universal level. There are also no real rules with this, so the ultimate way to determine the difference between Soulmates and Twin Flames is to follow your own intuition and what feels right to you.
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine the difference, however away from labels, it doesn’t really matter what type of relationship you are in as long as it feels good to you.
Further resources,experience%20from%20a%20past%20life.&text=However%2C%20where%20a%20twin%20flame,karmic%20relationship%20is%20often%20selfish.