At this time, a person can believe anything – that God, the Supreme teacher, the essence of the dead, alien, etc. are talking to him/her. The reaction to this form of attack may be different. It all depends on how much a person is able to perceive this way of communication.
Signs Of a Psychic Attack
Nightmares, dreams about being attacked, raped or you cheat on your partner;
You may suddenly get hot or cold;
Fear, depression, lack of strength;
You may worry that you will get into trouble, accident, etc. without having any logical reason for it;
Sudden changes in mood, temperature;
You may feel that someone is watching you. Perhaps that even crawling or sliding trying to get you.
Heaviness or pressure in the chest;
You may hear voices which are coming from nowhere;
Severe and sharp headache;
You may feel that something forces you to do what you deny;
Unpleasant or even scary visions;
You get sick suddenly after communicating or meeting with a person;
A sharp stabbing pain, cold in the third eye, neck, or spine;
Pain in the coccyx, knee pain, obsessive thoughts, weakness, sore bones, and spine.
You are constantly freezing, even though it is warm (it indicates an attack coming from the earth spirits or the spirits of the dead);
All the sudden you started losing your things, keys, personal items;
You feel the slow depletion of the body, little energy, and feel sick;
Suddenly you pass out without having any health issues;
You got into a fight with someone and felt drained, exhausted, no energy, weak in the legs, sudden hunger (this is a sign of a strong outflow and energy vampirism);
Quarrels in the family out of the blue or with your husband/wife;
You feel that you have lost a part of yourself, of your soul or even that you have disconnected with your Higher Self. These signs usually indicate a shamanic attack through a spell;
Long series of failures;
You feel that you don’t live your life anymore like if you were brainwashed or programmed to live according to someone else’s scenario;
Changes in appearance, lack of desire to take care of yourself, acne, poor skin appearance;
You suddenly felt sick after receiving a gift (most likely the person who gave you this gift has bad intentions towards you);
Long series of failures in the financial, personal or romantic spheres.
You feel depressed and hopeless.
Everything around you is bothering and upsets you.
You feel like somebody or something is trying to take your energy;
You feel like someone is strangling you, you have visions, fears to live or be in a certain place;
Anger without any reason and it seems like you can’t control it.
You are scared of communicating with or meeting a certain person (your intuition shows you who is dangerous for you);
You constantly thinking about a certain person and it seems like he/she took control over your mind.
Most Effective Methods Of Protection
For energy protection to be effective it is necessary:
to have a constant supply of energy. And for this, you need to be rested and calm (not too emotion);
to learn how to manage your energy;
to master the method of visualization.
Method 1: Ball of Light
Each of us (consciously or unconsciously) has experienced a psychic attack. Despite the fact that many people don’t believe in psychic attacks and some are not even aware of their existence the truth is that psychic attacks are very real and happen every day. In a world teeming with negative energy, it is extremely important to protect yourself from a potential psychic attack. We all should keep in mind that negative energy can affect many aspects of our lives in a way that we may not even be aware of.
I, myself, have experienced negative manifestations of a psychic attack many times. After losing my energy, again and again, I decided to figure out what’s going on with me and how I can deal with this. In this article, I want to share with you my research on psychic attacks and the most effective methods of protection I’ve discovered. I hope this information will find you when you need it most.
What Is a Psychic Attack?
A psychic attack occurs when someone or something consciously or unconsciously inflicts negative energy on you. This negative energy can cause serious physical and mental harm. There are different forms of psychic attack. But usually, it is projected onto another through negative energies, sometimes even unconsciously.
Intentional And Unintentional Psychic Attacks
For example, if your friend is jealous of your success, then his/her jealousy can manifest itself even without him/her knowing and inflict a psychic attack upon you. Or, for example, your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend was not able to accept the fact that you broke up with her/him and got really upset mad at you. Let’s say she/he cursed you or put a black magic spell on you. Now we’re dealing with a deliberate psychic attack. Both (intentional and unintentional psychic attacks) can have serious harmful consequences for you and your life.
Unfortunately, psychic attacks usually get spread like a virus. And in this case, once you have been infected, you pass it on to family members, friends or somebody else. Of course, it happens unconsciously but this fact doesn’t make the harm any less significant. For example, let’s say you got into a fight with a co-worker or boss. Coming back home from work, you feel like everything bothers you, you get grumpy and angry and eventually may say something negative to your family members. You may think that this is due to fatigue. But the thing is you just need to release all that negativity inside that is bothering you. Once you release it, the people around you pick it up.
That is why it’s so important to recognize a psychic attack and know how to protect yourself!
Potentially Dangerous Places
You can be psychically attacked not just by people but also by spirits, ghosts, and different negative beings. It can happen anywhere with anyone. But there are certain places that are potentially dangerous since almost everyone experiences psychic attacks, although most people don’t even realize it.
These places are:
The scene of the murder or suicide;
Night clubs, strip clubs, and casinos;
Various brothels (drug, alcohol, criminal, sexual);
The venue of sectarian rituals;
Landfills and polluted areas (e.g. all kinds of industrial waste effluents).
Astral Psychic Attack
Very often people get attacked while they sleep. It’s the easiest form of attack that can be performed by people who mastered Astral projections and negative beings. I say “easiest” because it’s very easy to attack you while you’re sleeping. You see, most people don’t use astral protection when they go to bed and don’t know how to be conscious while they sleep. If you lose control over your consciousness during your sleep then you become an easy target for those who are interested in your energy.
I can tell you from my personal experience that an astral attack is one of the most dangerous forms of a psychic attack. It’s especially dangerous when you can’t remember your dreams well since it’s a sign that there is something dangerous happening while you’re sleeping that astral beings or your consciousness are blocking from you.
There are different forms of an Astral attack:
mental attack;
attack through disease – when you feel sick in your dream or after waking up;
a physical attack in your sleep;
breath manipulation – imposing breathing rhythm in your dream or after waking up;
heart manipulation – heart rate failure in your sleep or after waking up;
muscle manipulation – reflex muscle contraction in your sleep or after waking up;
manipulation with voice and visions;
astral sex or rape.
Intense Internal Monologue
This is another common form of a psychic attack!
This is a special mode in which a person is listening as if drawing into a conversation. Such a conversation is different from the usual cycle of thoughts in the way that your thoughts are very easily put into words and sound in your head. In a normal state, thoughts are not so clearly expressed in words. If such internal communication lasts long enough and intensively, the percipient, as a rule, is not very surprised when some voices begin to talk to him (meaning a telepathic connection).
At this time, a person can believe anything – that God, the Supreme teacher, the essence of the dead, alien, etc. are talking to him/her. The reaction to this form of attack may be different. It all depends on how much a person is able to perceive this way of communication.
Signs Of a Psychic Attack
Nightmares, dreams about being attacked, raped or you cheat on your partner;
You may suddenly get hot or cold;
Fear, depression, lack of strength;
You may worry that you will get into trouble, accident, etc. without having any logical reason for it;
Sudden changes in mood, temperature;
You may feel that someone is watching you. Perhaps that even crawling or sliding trying to get you.
Heaviness or pressure in the chest;
You may hear voices which are coming from nowhere;
Severe and sharp headache;
You may feel that something forces you to do what you deny;
Unpleasant or even scary visions;
You get sick suddenly after communicating or meeting with a person;
A sharp stabbing pain, cold in the third eye, neck, or spine;
Pain in the coccyx, knee pain, obsessive thoughts, weakness, sore bones, and spine.
You are constantly freezing, even though it is warm (it indicates an attack coming from the earth spirits or the spirits of the dead);
All the sudden you started losing your things, keys, personal items;
You feel the slow depletion of the body, little energy, and feel sick;
Suddenly you pass out without having any health issues;
You got into a fight with someone and felt drained, exhausted, no energy, weak in the legs, sudden hunger (this is a sign of a strong outflow and energy vampirism);
Quarrels in the family out of the blue or with your husband/wife;
You feel that you have lost a part of yourself, of your soul or even that you have disconnected with your Higher Self. These signs usually indicate a shamanic attack through a spell;
Long series of failures;
You feel that you don’t live your life anymore like if you were brainwashed or programmed to live according to someone else’s scenario;
Changes in appearance, lack of desire to take care of yourself, acne, poor skin appearance;
You suddenly felt sick after receiving a gift (most likely the person who gave you this gift has bad intentions towards you);
Long series of failures in the financial, personal or romantic spheres.
You feel depressed and hopeless.
Everything around you is bothering and upsets you.
You feel like somebody or something is trying to take your energy;
You feel like someone is strangling you, you have visions, fears to live or be in a certain place;
Anger without any reason and it seems like you can’t control it.
You are scared of communicating with or meeting a certain person (your intuition shows you who is dangerous for you);
You constantly thinking about a certain person and it seems like he/she took control over your mind.
Most Effective Methods Of Protection
For energy protection to be effective it is necessary:
to have a constant supply of energy. And for this, you need to be rested and calm (not too emotion);
to learn how to manage your energy;
to master the method of visualization.
Method 1: Ball of Light

This method should be performed every morning. Lying still in bed, right after you wake up, you can close your eyes and imagine yourself in a ball of light of any color. You can fill your sphere of light with some intention or any positive affirmations to protect yourself from negative energies. The clearer your visualization, the more powerful your protection will be.
Method 2: Golden Pyramid Imagine yourself in a Golden pyramid of light. The pyramid should be large enough that you can freely be located in its center, placing your hands to the sides, as well as the upside. After that, visualize yourself in the center of this pyramid and make it revolve around you. Tell the pyramid your intention – to protect you from any external negative impact. Method 3: Energy Cleansing Bath Ritual This method will help you to cleanse your energy (aura). All the instructions on how to perform an energy cleansing bath ritual I described in my article Conclusion Even if you experience one or more signs of a psychic attack described in this article, it does not mean that you’ve been psychically attacked. Make sure that the root of your problems is not in your own mind first and if you feel that it’s coming from the outside then make sure to do a good job on protecting yourself. Remember to frequently perform aura cleansing to make sure you’re not storing negativity in your energy field.